We are VERY proud to announce MAJOR wins for workers in the NYS budget finally passed this week. We a re grateful to the NYS legislators and organizers who made them happen.
While ExtendPUA.org is predominately federally focused, we have also been advocating on the state level in New York (where our founders reside). We helped win partial UI rules reform last year and have been active endorsers of the #FundExcludedWorkers since our July inception. These last few months we have been part of the #InvestInOurNY coalition. Both IONY and FEW worked tirelessly to gain major victories and successfully pushed NYS towards a more equitable and progressive budget.
A summary of the wins from Rebecca Bailin, the campaign director of #InvestInOurNewYork:
The taxes we won:
Progressive Income Tax:
Increase in tax rates (from 8.82% to 9.65%) for NYers earning more than $1 million (or $2 million in joint filings)
New tax brackets for people who make between $5 million and $25 million (10.3%), and those making over $25 million (10.9%)
Corporate Tax
Increase to 7.25 percent from 6.5 percent
unchanged for small businesses
The policies that we won:
Over $2 billion for benefits to excluded workers
Over $4 billion in foundation aid to fund public schools
Over $2 billion for tenants (rental assistance and eviction protections)
$1 billion for small business
$10 M for AAPI communities to fight racist violence and provide much needed mental health and support for impacted folks
Approx $40 million for CUNY operating expenses
$279 million in funding restored to public transit statewide over 2 years
and more!
You can read just some of the coverage in Spectrum, Rochester City News, CB S, New York TImes, Gothamist, and much much more.
We are grateful and in owe of the inspiring work of these organizers and looking forward to being involved in what's next for the IONY coalition. We are still pushing for NYS to forgive taxes on unemployment. You can participate by emailing here and/or calling your NYS legislators.