Members of Congress are calling on President Biden to include UI system reform in the American Families Plan. This is a crucial component to Building Back Better. They released this letter, led by Senator Wyden, on April 23rd. Check to see if your Senator or Representative is on board!
Senators Wyden and Bennet have released a UI reform plan, which you can read more about here.
While we are active in the fight to reform UI and grateful for the work these legislators are doing, the pandemic is NOT OVER. Millions of people are still out of work. Unemployed workers need continued relief, not just reform.
Currently none of Biden's upcoming plans have mentioned further UI relief.
What do we still need as relief?
We need benefits extended (with additional weeks for all programs including PUC) past September. They should be extended via automatic stabilizers, but if not, they should at least be extended through the end of the year. Our economy and job market are not on track to recover by September 6th. We need these benefits extended in July to avoid panic and lapses.
Tax relief on unemployment for 2020 & 2021.
A refundable tax credit for all of those who were unemployed in the fall of 2020 to compensate for the lack of FPUC.
Health insurance subsidies, discounts, and open enrollment extended past September.
Job training and placement programs.
Are we missing something on this relief list? Join the conversation and let us know what you need here.
None of this happens without YOU.
Please take action at All of our actions are updated with new talking points based on the relief list above, and, as always, they are easy! You can easily email your legislators with a quick click and send form, call with a clear scripts listing these demands, and so much more. First things first, send an email to the White House about the importance of relief in his next packages.
Keep an eye out for more on the relief and reform conversations by following us on Twitter @ExtendPUA or by subscribing to our mailing list.