More than 36 million people have filed unemployed claims due to the pandemic.
30 million people are still on unemployment.
The FPUC (providing an additional $600/week to everyone who is actively claiming unemployment) expired July 25.
Small print: No, those of you who are concerned, your “standard” Unemployment is not running out yet.
Everyone with a UI or PUA claim is supposed to get up to 39 weeks of benefits (until the end of the year).
JUST the FPUC, which is a $600 additional benefit, is what is expired July 25.
Regular UI amounts are generally low, meant to serve as a temporary bridge from one job to another.
This additional money is keeping many individuals and families afloat during the pandemic.
The pandemic is far from over and even as phases reopen there are no jobs to go back to in many industries, including events, entertainment, hospitality, travel, and many more. On July 7, CNN reported that 56 ICUs in Florida have reached capacity, and another 35 hospitals had availability of 10% or less. It is irresponsible to force people back into the economy.
On May 15, the House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act, which would extend the $600/week benefit until January 2021. McConnell refuses to bring the HEROES Act to the Senate floor for discussion. The Senate is on recess July 3-20.
If and when the HEROES Act is finally brought to the Senate floor, they will likely tear it apart and decide what to keep and what to get rid of.
We are demanding that our Senators prioritize extending the $600 pandemic unemployment assistance until January 2021 and extend the ability for self employed individuals to have access to unemployment insurance until March 2021.
We are also urging Senators to bring the HEROES Act to the Senate floor as soon as they return on July 20.
They are students who are having to drop out of school, parents who cannot support their families, people in frozen industries (hospitality, sports, events, and entertainment), freelancers who aren’t eligible for regular unemployment insurance, high risk individuals unable to work, and on and on.
Where specific facts are referenced, every effort has been made to verify the accuracy and truthfulness of the information presented. Occasionally our information will become out of date because of the rapidly evolving nature of the movement. If you spot something out of place, please contact us at Info@ExtendPUA.org

The Basics
What You Should Know First
July 8, 2020 at 5:00:00 AM